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Anticipated Trip Cost: $3,950
Anticipated Dates: July 5th- July 19th, 2025

2025 Registration Opens August 15th


Pursat and Mondulkuri Cambodia

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The Youthlinc Service Year has been going to Cambodia since the summer of 2011. Since that time, we have developed wonderful in country partnerships that allow for high touch, high impact, and high-quality experiences for our teams.

We have an incredible partnership with a local NGO called Sustainable Cambodia based out of Pursat, Cambodia. Sustainable Cambodia is an amazing organization dedicated to helping rural Cambodian villages achieve sustainability and self-sufficiency through infrastructure support, strong education initiatives, and professional training/development programs.

The need in Cambodia directly relates to the countries not so distant past. In the mid-late 70’s Cambodia fell under the power of the Khmer Rouge, a communist regime lead by Pol Pot. During the 4-year time period that the Khmer Rouge was in power they enacted a horrific genocide, killing between 1.5-3 million people, approximately 25% of the entire population of Cambodia. The Khmer Rouge left Cambodia in ashes nearly destroying their infrastructure. The Cambodian people are forgiving and resilient and have been working to rebuilding their country since that time.

The Youthlinc team’s also have some fun! You will be able to visit the beautiful Angkor Wat (a World Heritage site from the 12th century), go on a hike to a waterfall, and enjoy the local markets for some shopping.

Leadership Development

  • 9-month leadership development program with integrated local service component

  • Youthlinc’s mission is to transform volunteers into lifetime humanitarians, which takes time and effort- we are not a “pay-and-go” program

  • Twenty five years of proven curriculum and data show that our program truly changes and improves our volunteers & communities abroad

  • Connect and build friendships with your team for 9 months prior to travel


  • Support the mission of Sustainable Cambodia, a Cambodian nonprofit, to make a lasting impact in rural villages

  • Support the mission of Elephant Valley Project doing ecological-based conservation work

  • Projects relate to community health, business & vocational skills, ecological improvements, construction, cultural exchange, and education

What's Included?

  • We are a Utah-based program. Round-trip international airfare is included from Salt Lake City. Minors will never be asked to fly alone to another city to meet their team for the first time.

  • All meals, accommodation, transportation, & clean water

  • Excursions to Angkor Wat, Killing Fields, & waterfall hike

  • Two days with Elephant Valley Project

  • Travel insurance, medical professional travels with team, 1:3 ratio of adults:students


  • 80 Hours of Local Service

  • Monthly Team Meeting Attendance

  • Engaged in Project Planning

  • Engaged in Project Fundraising

  • Uphold Youthlinc Code of Conduct

  • Passport (valid for 6 months after trip)

  • Cambodia Tourism Visa

Read about our 2024 projects

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